Friday, April 15, 2022

Day 15 to Alvorge

I'm writing today from a man bar. If you don't know what that is, it is a very Portuguese local establishment where the patrons are all men watching football. 

I'm one room over in a restaurant drinking really good wine after inhaling a plate of grilled meat and a salad and fries.
 I can almost guarantee that I will be half in the bag when I leave here and I really hope I find my way home. 
My home is a gorgeous farm house with a pool at the top of a mountain that I did not climb. 22kms my a**. Half way was supposed to be a town called Ansiao (11kms). I walked 16kms in the scorching heat, not a cloud in the sky and minimal shade, to get to Ansiao... so I repeat, 22kms my a**.
May I also repeat, Portugal is NOT flat. My fault for leaving so late this morning but when I arrived in Ansiao it was already after 3pm. I hobbled into town in time for an Easter mass. I was approaching a pretty church and I heard the voices of angels. I entered very quietly to hear the choir sing. It was lovely. 
My feet are blistered and I'm sunburned. Not at my best despite the beauty of the day.
 After 16kms in the heat, I called it a day. I called a taxi after indulging in a late afternoon coffee and he drove me up the final hill to my castle. Best decision made. I'm so glad I wasn't stubborn today. The whole time I was in the taxi I was thinking I never would have made it this far  no chance.
The nice taxi driver Joao basically dropped me off in front of the only restaurant. I stood there and called the property I was booked at. Within a minute, a very friendly woman came out and walked me to the house I booked. I liked her immediately and we spoke in our broken languages. Both of us trying to communicate. She gave me the tour of the magnificent old farmhouse. I almost cried tears of joy on behalf of my feet when I saw the pool. As soon as she left me on my own, I dropped everything and went out my back door and sat at the edge of the pool with my feet in the cold water for at least an hour.
It was so therapeutic.
I had followed up with a hot shower and tried to look human for dinner at the Owner's restaurant.
It's a short walk on a cobblestone lane to get there but worth it. Also enjoyed being served by her handsome husband... 
I found my way back in the dark and a little tipsy.  Just as I passed in front of the tiny local church, the bells went off and I was startled. With the church bells came howling dogs. It was comical.
Not sure of my plan tomorrow but I must go and figure out my route.
Boa Noite and beijos xx

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