Sunday, April 3, 2022

Day 3 ~ Sunday by the Sea

Day 3 Lisboa
The sun is shining but the wind is putting some serious chill in the air. I probably should have kept the warmer clothes and left behind the shorts. I've found a sunny corner leaning up against the outside walls of the Convento do Carmo. It's an archeological museum.... without a roof. 
It opens at 10 am and I'd like to see it before the tourists arrive.
Dom and I had a filling breakfast together at our hotel this morning but I'm off adventuring in the city and he has gone back to rest his weary legs. He was quite pleasant this morning despite having heard my confessions of plotting his demise while he snored and I stared at the ceiling. I can't even be mad... first because I love him, second because he doesn't snore on purpose. He snores loud enough to wake me but when I accept defeat and resolve to rise and shine, he goes silent and sleeps like an innocent child. It is my goal to understand his sleep pattern so I can adjust accordingly. My other ideas are sleep in shifts or buy some melatonin. I've tried ear plugs, music and even 3 glasses of wine to knock me out and I'm still losing the battle. We start the Camino tomorrow...and I'm going into this exhausted. 
While I waited I took in the views from the top of the Elevador da Justa but had to find refuge from the wind.
I waited in that sunny spot until 10 am and when the doors didn't open I read the sign and it said closed on Sundays hahaha. Oooops.
I picked up a coffee to go and updated Dom. He chose not to join in on today's adventure and that's ok. We've both got city burnout. I can only be surrounded by noise and people for a limited time... I need open space or a trail or a secluded beach. 
I made my way downhill to the waterfront and followed the shoreline.
It was very industrial and not very pretty for the first 4kms or so. 
After crossing under the bridge 'Ponte de 25 Abril' the view grew more appealing. 
I watched sailboats leaving the harbour and witnessed a collision on the overcrowded waterway. 
I also spent a good hour or more struggling to understand how everyone else was managing without public restrooms. It became a treasure hunt of sorts but I was eventually successful. I found a Canadian Poutine stand with gf options so I treated myself to a mid-day snack. 
I walked 18kms today in total. I went as far as the Tower of Belem. 
It was a stunning park and a beautiful, sunny day. There were some soccer players having a match in the park and as I walked past them, their ball went astray, towards me. I jogged a couple steps forward and stopped it with my foot. I then gave my best kick to return it to them and they all cheered. I threw my arms up like a Champ in a dramatic fashion because's soccer. It put a big smile on my face and seemed like the opportune time to head back home. 
I took a more inland route home to avoid the same sights. I saw Mosteiro dos Jeronimo....I would have liked to see the interior but not today. 

I walked past many museums but opted to keep heading home. Ever since that dreadful 5 hour airport line, I just won't line up for anything. 

It was an easy uneventful walk back but a good climb up a very steep hill to get to our hotel. 
I took a much needed nap before heading back out with Dom. He went shopping after spoiling himself with Portuguese Sushi... I went to a very local tiny place steps from our room and grabbed grilled cod to go. I have some wine in the room and chose a quiet night in. Last night I blew the budget with my indulgent wine fest (was soooo good though) so tonight I behaved. It's all about balance and moderation.
Tomorrow we begin our Caminho do Mar. We will likely take a train out of the city and start somewhere after the Tower of Belem. Maybe Estoril... we'll see.
Lisbon is lovely, it truly is and there is so much here to see and do. My mind, my feet and my spirit are eager for our journey to Santiago.
Boa noite and beijos xx

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